Weiss-Livnat Center Staff

Professor Arieh J. Kochavi                                            Head of the Weiss-Livnat Center for Holocaust Research and Education

Dr. Yael Granot-Bein                                                        Director of the Weiss-Livnat International MA Program in Holocaust Studies

Anat Weiner                                                                          of the Weiss-Livnat Center for Holocaust Research and Education                                                      Graduate of the Weiss-Livnat International MA Program in Holocaust Studies

Ilana Escher                                                                    Program Coordinator of the Weiss-Livnat International MA Program in Holocaust Studies

Alexa Asher                                                                        Digital Communications Coordinator of the Weiss-Livnat International Center for Holocaust Research and Education                                                      Graduate of the Weiss-Livnat International MA Program in Holocaust Studies

Shlomit Kviti                                                          Administrator for the Wiess-Livnat International Center for Holocaust Research and Education

"The one concerned with days, plants wheat; with years, plants trees; with generations, educates people."

– Janusz Korczak